Nothing brightens up a room like a beautiful bouquet of carnations. Known for their long-lasting blooms and vibrant colors, carnations are a favorite choice for flower lovers.
But how do you make them last even longer? Here are simple tricks to extend the life of your carnations and keep them blooming for longer.
Start With a Clean Vase
Before putting your carnations in water, ensure the vase is squeaky clean. Any leftover bacteria in the vase can make your flowers wilt faster.
Trim the Stems
Once you’re ready to arrange your carnations, grab some sharp scissors and snip 1-2 inches off the bottom of each stem. Cutting the stems at a 45-degree angle helps the flowers soak up more water.
Change the Water Often
Swap out the old water every couple of days with clean, room-temperature water. Giving the vase a quick rinse each time will help eliminate any bacteria that might build up.
Find a Cool Spot
Carnations are pretty tough, but they don’t like too much heat or direct sunlight. Find a cool spot in your home for the vase, away from windows, heaters, or appliances that give off heat.
A little indirect sunlight is fine, but too much will cause your flowers to wilt faster than you’d like.
Keep Them Away from Ripening Fruit
Believe it or not, fruit can make your carnations age faster! Ripening fruits give off ethylene, which can shorten the lifespan of your flowers. To keep your bouquet fresh, try placing it away from any fruit bowls or kitchen counters.
Pick Off Wilting Blooms
As some of the carnations in your bouquet begin to droop or look tired, gently remove them along with any wilted or yellowing leaves.
Dying flowers and leaves can drain the plant’s energy and cause the rest of the bouquet to wilt faster, so removing them early can help extend the life of your arrangement.
Mist the Petals
Carnations love a little misting. You can spray a light mist of water directly onto the petals once a day to keep them hydrated. It’s an easy way to ensure your blooms stay plump and fresh, especially in dry environments.
Use Flower Food or a DIY Alternative
If you have a packet of flower food, toss it into the vase water. It’s packed with all the good stuff your carnation flower needs to thrive, such as sugar, bleach, and citric acid.
No flower food? No problem! You can make a simple version at home. Simply mix one teaspoon of lemon juice, sugar, and three drops of bleach. Alternatively, you can use 1/4 teaspoon of bleach per liter of water as an alternative to keep your carnations fresh and prevent bacteria buildup.
Keep Them Away From Drafts
Carnations thrive in a calm, stable environment, so avoid placing them near air conditioners, fans, or drafty windows. Exposure to drafts or fluctuations in temperature can dry out your bouquet and cause it to wilt prematurely.
Avoid Overcrowding the Stems
When the stems are too close, air can’t circulate properly around each bloom, leading to excess moisture buildup and quicker deterioration.
To help your carnations last longer, ensure enough space between each stem. Spacing them out allows for better airflow, helps the flowers breathe, and prevents the petals from getting squished or damaged.
Keep Your Carnations Blooming Longer
These easy tips will help your carnation bouquet stay fresh and vibrant, bringing color and cheer to your space.
Whether you’ve received them as a gift or treated yourself, taking the time to tend to your carnations can make all the difference. In a few easy ways, you can keep your carnation bouquet looking fabulous for up to two weeks—or even longer.